Loreley Pelino: This Just IN!

My cyber stalker published another website using my name continuing in an effort to harass me. If it wasn’t for the fact that being stalked is scary I might feel sorry for the individual or individuals who continue to focus so much life energy on me.  The time spent obsessing over me, writing articles, fabricating images, etc to use as he or she is creating websites (I believe this is the fifth as of today) about me is life energy not spent doing something useful in his or her own life.

And that is my thought for today … Mental Jujutsu.  Think of the steps I’m sharing in this series about how to deal with a cyber bully  like a form of martial arts of the mind.  Instead of being harmed by an aggressor one can learn to diffuse the energy directed.  Jujutsu developed to combat the samurai of feudal Japan as a method for defeating an armed and armored opponent. Jujutsu Techniques were developed around the principle of using an attacker’s energy against him, rather than directly opposing it.

So, when my attacker uses his or her energy to post hateful things online about me I’m using that negative energy – energy created with negative intention – to create something positive. In this case, exposing online bullying and cyber stalking. By doing that my intent is transforming the negative intention into a positive energy that helps not only me but also other victims of cyberstalking to learn ways to combat it.

It helps me by pushing down any search engine results for my name, Loreley Leonard, Loreley Leonard Pelino, and Loreley Pelino and other variations of those names that the stalker has produced to harm me. The newer content which I am creating and tagging with the same things my cyberstalkers is, such as Loreley Leonard and Loreley Pelino, to optimize for search engines to push down the negative content about me (Loreley Leonard, Loreley Leonard Pelino, Loreley Pelino and other versions of my name) is created to help others benefit from my experience. Why just talk about Loreley Pelino? Instead let’s talk about what Loreley Pelino has learned about stopping a cyber stalker and dealing with online bullies?  I think that is a better use of my life energy and honors my intention to create something positive out of this nightmare.

So far, Google has deleted every false imposter account the stalker has created.  This was done by reporting the profile on the link to Google.  It took less than two days to have the fake accounts taken down.  I reported the websites for violating the web hosting companies terms of agreements.   I learned how to do this from my friends at HeartMob.  Check out their great resources: https://iheartmob.org  The websites continue to be taken down and disabled. Each time one comes down I feel the affirmation that there is good in the wild world of the Internet.

Being stalked sucks.  You can feel powerless.  That’s one of the motivations of a stalker.  But don’t feel alone because you’re not.  Take your power back. Take action. If you do nothing, nothing happens, right?

What can you do?  Read blogs like this and get information.  You can contact me here and I’ll help you as much as I can.  You can also visit my friends at Heartmob.  From their advice I have taken action and continue to see results.  I have saved screenshots of every website and blog post about me created by the cyberstalker to provide physical documentation for my attorney should I feel the need to take legal action in the future.  My fellow Heartmobbers have also helped report the online abuse and document it.

Cyberstalkers and online bullies count on you giving up … don’t!





Score one for Loreley Leonard!

I wake up and find that my cyber stalker still can’t get a life or a job or something productive to do with his or her time!  July 18th he or she dedicated more money and life resources to recreating another hate site.  I say recreate because I’ve successfully had others removed.  Some people don’t learn!! Ugh … but here’s the upside!  Google has removed several images for violating copyright. Facebook and Linkedin have both disabled imposter profiles. Google Plus has disabled a profile and a collection. I share that to tell you that even if you have a really persistent cyberstalker, you are not powerless.

Instead of being angry, I go to HeartMob and lend my voice and support to other victims of online bullies. Reporting the posts and profiles of cyberbullies and cyberstalkers for other people helps. Yes, the Internet can let a coward hide behind a computer screen and feel invincible. But there are consequences to actions. People do care … I have been happily surprised by the sheer volume of people who have been helping me to report the LoreleyLeonard and LoreleyLeonardPelino and LoreleyPelino imposter profiles and abusive blogs and websites.

Here’s a great resource I found:



Resilience — Cristian Mihai

“You never know how strong you are… until being strong is the only choice you have.” – Cayla Mills I’m going to tell you something no motivational speaker would ever dare tell you: genuine strength can’t be taught, learned, bought, borrowed, or understood. Genuine strength, defined as the ambition, courage, and stamina to do whatever you […]

via Resilience — Cristian Mihai


Loreley Pelino: Ways to Stop a Cyberstalker

If the person was healthy he or she would not fixate on you. If the person wasn’t a coward he or she would not hide behind a computer screen to stalk you.  Those are just two basic thoughts to keep in mind when attempting to understand why the cyberstalker or cyberbully is doing the online harassing.

Don’t argue or attempt to rationalize or explain away their bad behavior. You can not argue with crazy. Instead, stay tuned for the six signs to watch for to identify what kind of cyberstalker you have in future posts and we’ll explore the most effective approach to shutting them down based on the type of pathology displayed.

Self-Care by Loreley Leonard Pelino

You can’t give what you don’t have. Simple, right? I think even little ones get it but that simple yet profound concepts often escapes us adults when we find ourselves in the role of caretaker.

A few minutes to walk, sit in the fresh air or playing with your pet … all are small gestures but all are ways we can easily nurture ourselves. Of course, pay attention and make the best food choices you can, sleep (or at least stay still and rest your eyes even if sleep is elusive) and continue reaching out to your friends for support.  And if you haven’t already, email me for your free e-gratitutude journal. Try it everyday for 21 days and life will look much better. I promise.